I didn’t die…

The next time I decide to start a blog at the end of my pregnancy, slap me.

I survived the crappy first few months of having a newborn and now I’m in the 4th month. LilV is now 4 1/2 months old and is quite the little character.

She is full of smiles, does great tummy time, scoots backwards and roles over… sometimes.

I’ll add some pictures and then we can keep going with the post.

Proud mama moment (hover over the picture for caption)


I want to say I’m thankful for how well she sleeps (almost a full night 9-4 and then 5-9) and she’s normally a happy baby now.

The past weekend, we had some family pictures done and I’m really happy they turned out nice. LilV was in a great mood for them.

I want to add that she’s smiling for me because Mr A is making her smile and she wouldn’t smile when he was holding her because she just kept giving me the “wtf mom” face.



Poo alert. 

On Monday, LilV had an appointment with our family doctor for a first check up. Naturally, when it was time to weigh her, she pooped. I started changing her and she wouldn’t stop. I ran out of wipes, and it just kept coming. My first thought was from the movie Bridesmaids. 

It was a poosplosion… It was mostly hilarious and slightly embarrassing. A step up from her usual “You want to weigh me? I’ll pee on your scale!” 

On the plus side, she is doing great. 9.2 lbs. 22 inches. She is going to be taller then me. It’s not very hard because I’m 5 foot 3 inches. 

My little string bean. 


Swaddle me, baby

I was so excited Sunday morning to see LilV sleeping big stretches. On Saturday night, we went to be around 11pm. She only woke up around 4am to eat, burp and be changed then slept until 9am. I’m not going to lie, when I woke up the second time, I checked to make sure she hadn’t died. I haven’t had more then a 2-3 hour stretch of sleep since before I had her.

Before we went to bed, I was pumping and reading posts about what happens after you have baby. (I followed her pregnancy calendar and enjoyed reading the weekly posts.) I stumbled on this post and figured it wouldn’t hurt to attempt swaddling. We’d given up, like her because LilV would just kick and Houdini out without 10-15 minutes. I figured she didn’t like it and I stopped when we came home from the hospital. It never dawned to me that she’s been curls up in my stomach for 9 months and her movements could wake her up.

HOWEVER, swaddling didn’t help me last night. I was excited to go to sleep last night so I could swaddle her and prove that the night before wasn’t a fluke, I was mistaken. I think I slept 2-3 hours last night. No magical 4-5 hour stretches for us. She fought harder then ever to get out of the blanker we used. The only reason I can see that we had a great night Saturday was that Mr A kept her entertained and awake during the day. Yesterday was more relaxed and we slacked on keeping her awake.

I’m going to try harder to keep her day naps shorter so she can sleep better tonight. Wish me luck.

I also wanted to share this post because I’ve had nights where all LilV has done is scream and it’s not our fault as parents. The baby doesn’t know what it wants either.

A week old already 

I feel like a fool. Of course I’m burnt out. I have a newborn baby now. Can I go back to the swollen feet from July 1st and the belly so big and stretched and awkward? No? Ok then.

Here is a picture of how I feel right now:

I think all new moms/dads feel like this. Mostly moms because of the hormones on top of everything we go through.

Here’s the deal

I woke up on July 7th around 4am with a hip cramp. I fell asleep a few times but it kept coming back. Around 4:30, I remember thinking ‘this pain keeps coming and going and it’s not a normal hip pain’. I used my app to Tim contractions and they were around a minute and a half long with a break of 7-9 minutes… If I was up and about, they got worse and closer together and when I would lay down, got better. I gave Mr A a heads up that I thought it was weird hip contractions and it could be the day. I told him to go to work and I would keep him posted.

I called my mom and at 7:30am, she and my aunt came to get me. We made our way to the hospital and when they checked, I was at a 1.5cm. Da Bum Tsss. So a shot of morphine/gravol and I was home again. I slept most of the day. If you ever had that shot, you feel me. I remember walking my living room and leaning against the wall during contractions to make something happen. Mr A came home, ate and had a shower. We were on our way to the hospital. It was around 6pm.

I got the the hospital and they checked me again. I was at 2-3cm (yeah, I know. All day and barely a change). They gave me a non stress test to check baby and after 40 minutes, I was at 4cm so they kept me. They said I would only be able to get an epidural around 2am because the anesthesiologist was crazy busy. I got scared because I was already in pain. The nurse said she wanted to switch me to another room because she didn’t like that room and from walking 3 doors down, they started an IV, got a blood test and halfway through everything, they said the lady was coming up to get me the epidural. Someone was running behind and she had the time for me. It was magical.

I was so scared of getting one and the bla bla about having problems or being paralyzed and crap. This epidural saved my birth. I was pretty medicated the rest of my labor and I’m grateful for it.

I barely remember a thing other then sleeping and being told to save my strength for pushing. I remember every time i opened my eyes, it was different family members looking at me. Mr A, my mom, my aunt and my grandparents all took turns because it was a long night. I remember everyone asking at least once if I was cold because I was shaking so much. The nurse said the epidural could do that and my body was still in pain and having contractions even if I couldn’t feel them so it could have been that as well. I remember vaguely being told baby flipped sideways and she was going to try and flip her back manually. I remember feeling a weird pressure and a pop and warm. I thought I had peed but my water broke just before they got ready to break it because I stalled.

Then it was time to push. I didn’t feel anything because I was mostly frozen. One hour and 19 minutes later, baby girl was born with the help of the vacuum. I remember mumbling about how I couldn’t hear her crying and after what felt like an eternity, she started crying. Then I started crying. They had her up on my chest for a bit.

With all the jokes about how he wouldn’t make it in the room because of the goo that comes with birth, Mr A did great. Sat at my side, facing my face and was wonderful.

So welcome Victoria to the world, 8 lbs 7 oz.

Holding Daddy's finger

Holding Daddy’s finger

9 hours old, crusty mouth and all.

9 hours old, crusty mouth and all.

I'm too cute for you

I’m too cute for you

36 hours old

36 hours old

Me, Mr A and LilV

Me, Mr A and LilV

I can’t help tooting my own horn. She came out beautiful and we are both over the moon for her.

I dont want to be crushed and ripped apart at the same time…

So I’m in labor. Lucky me gets to feel it all in my back, thighs and hips. It’s like being crushed and ripped apart at the same time.

About 12 hours into contractions that last about 1 minute and about 5-10 minutes in between them. I went to Labor and Delivery this morning and was sent home with some pain meds because I wasn’t really dilated. I will probably have to make my way back for more because it’s starting to hurt again.

A friend predicted today would be the day from last Saturday when I went for the walk. Next time I need to predict a date, I’m going to ask him for a date that isn’t a week (or more) late. Hahaha.

I also noticed that if She does come today, it will be the 7th month and 7th day. Too bad we are not 2017. I don’t want her to wait 2 years to come out. It would be fun to be a bunch of 7s. Lucky # 7.

I’m noticing that I’m rambling so I’m gonna leave it at this. Send some good vibes my way to an easy delivery. I’m going to need it..

Man, am I ever over encumbered…

It’s official. I’m passed my “due date” according to myself (June 29) and my doctor (July1).

I woke up yesterday with CRAZY swelling in my hands. I auto-piloted to the bathroom for the 34896239584761246785th pee of the night and remember sitting, staring at my hands, wondering who’s hands they were. After about 45 minutes, the swelling went away and L&D told me that because it went away and I don’t have anything else going on, it wasn’t Pre-E. How nice.

The swelling came and went all day but dropped to my feet. We (Myself and my wonderful boyfriend) attempted a drive to the beach because it was nice out, I was wearing a dress and I just wanted to walk in the sand before I became a apartment hermit for the rest of the summer. He saw my feet 40 minutes into our drive and made the decision to turn around in case they kept swelling and i had to get something cut off.  No one wants to loose a limb, or a toe…

My stomach is so tight, laughing, coughing, sneezing, yawning hurts. I swear I have 7 babies in there but it’s only 1. I can’t imagine having multiples.  (You guys don’t see whats goes on in my brain… but I’m having a pause because I forgot where I was going with this…)

I have been enjoying this week because he has been on vacation so I’ve had someone else to talk to during the day other then my 2 cats and the baby in my belly. We haven’t done a lot but I’m enjoying his company and the twosome before we become a family. We sit on the couch and I watch him play Fallout New Vegas. I lay on him and play Pokemon Alpha Sapphire. ALSO, this baby will only make the appearance next week when he is back to work… If she doesn’t come out with a mop of ginger curls, she will be a mini me with the ginger hidden inside (Sorry future significant others).

Lets leave this post with a few pictures (because I forgot to add some to the last post, like I said i would… Prego brain is a thing, right?)

memes bubbles n shit Jesus, take the wheel shit myself titties for dessert toes are not piggies water is just fine

Damn you, tiny prego bladder…

I have my 39 week appointment in about 2 hours. (YAY! The end is near!) I haven’t been sleeping very will the last few nights. Between stressing about giving birth, cooking and freezing food, crafting up a storm to finish the nursery, I’m starting to feel burnt out. My dreams have been bouncing between not having any progress going on to going in and being at 7-8 and it becomes too late for an epidural. I found out my mom was half-frozen when she had me because they checked her and she was 4-5-ish and 10 minutes later, she was at 9-10 and they stopped it. Mind you, it was 26 years ago… but still. Another fear for this First Time Mom..

While surfing Facebook to pass some time, I stumbled on a post full of memes. It was great and I was a little worried I might laugh the baby right out. I made it about 20 pictures in while gasping and laughing and snorting and holding my tight stretched stomach. I’ll admit it. I peed a little. Then I laughed some more and slowly waddled to the bathroom to clean up. I plan to go back and save these memes to a folder on my computer (I named the folder “Beware, you might pee…”) once I catch my breath.

I was about to post a few of the pictures that made me laugh the most but I noticed the time and I have so much to get done before this appointment.

To be continued…